Monday, April 22, 2019


Western education has done a great disservice–of leftist design–by indoctrinating our children with the falsehood all “religions” are equal…that we are to be “tolerant/inclusive” of ALL cultures…and that it’s OUR bigotry (and our country’s actions elsewhere in the world) that causes the trouble.
Western news media and entertainment–also under leftist control–perpetuate the fable for adults. They’ve been quite successful in triggering a default/reflex “You’re a racist!” or “You are spreading Islamophobia”  or “You are Islamophobic” response to anyone who “dares” to tell the truth about Islam.  The denials will continue until most people in the West understand the ESSENTIAL TEACHING of Islam (Al Walaa wal Baraa) which MANDATES that Muslims HATE the dirty kafirs ‘FOR THE SAKE OF ALLAH’.  This hatred directed by Muslims against disbelieving KAFIRS is not optional, but a REQUIRED ACTION if a Muslim wishes to go to the Islamic playboy mansion in the sky
When I engage in a debate with anyone including muslims, I usually start the conversation asking what they know about Islam, which is very little to nothing.  You see, I’ve read the Quran, Hadith, and Sira so many times that sometimes I feel that I could be a better muslim (God forbid) than any muslim in the islamic world.
I tell them that Islam is not a “race”. It’s a set of beliefs/doctrines to which anyone can adhere. i.e. it’s not the people….it’s the software that’s running on their brains. If they agree to that premise, we can move on to the next step: Who began and developed this software? Muhammad, his words, his actions…as laid out in the Quran, Hadith, and Sira, which form the scriptural base for Shari’ah–Islam’s draconian civilizational control system.
With all the persecutions perpetrated on Christians and other faiths and religions (excluding islam/muslims because islam is not a faith or religion.  It’s a killing cult) and the Easter Sunday bombing of three churches in Sri Lanka, I’m waiting for our politicians to begin their usual defence of the Muslim community: “Not all Muslims are to blame. It’s only a minority of radicals who have perverted their religion.” And of course, everyone who understands Islam knows that’s simply bullshit! Instead our gutless politicians should be calling out Islam for its innate hatred of all non-Muslims and its commandments to “kill them wherever you find them.” (Surah At-Tawbah [9:5] - Al-Qur'an al-Kareem, etc).

For how long and how many times is the charade of denial going to play out?  Every leader of non-islamic countries are WHITEWASHING the hate-filled ESSENTIAL ISLAMIC TEACHINGS requiring hatred directed by Muslims against disbelieving kafirs to motivate the Muslims to make SUPREMACIST WARFARE against the disbelievers ‘IN THE CAUSE OF ALLAH’. They are NORMATIVE Islam, rather than an aberration.  The ’cause of Allah’ is to eradicate ‘WRONG WORSHIP’ from the earth by slaughtering and fining the kafirs. Muslims thus enrich themselves by seizing kafir property and exploiting the kafirs financially.

Hopefully, it’s enough to get them thinking and to move away from what they’re being sold by the MSM.  Once they figure out that Islam is a supremacist ideology that vilifies all non-believers, they’re on their way to waking up.  It is now more apparent that Muslim immigration should be stopped now, before any more jihadists infiltrate other countries.

And…. It’s not only stopping immigration but draconian steps also need to be taken to deal with islamic menace. History of the past do teach a lot – we can learn a lot from it.  Past history opens one’s eyes to how certain situations were dealt with.  Throughout history, we have seen times when governments have to impose some kind of martial law in order to deal with some menace. The communist emergency in Malaya comes to mind, the British forces were unable to deal with the communist insurgency using conventional means. The war was dragging on, taking a large toll on life, peace and order and the economy. Finally, with some brilliant tactics, they managed to defeat the communists. They had to suspend normal processes of the law, create Emergency rule with special powers for police, resettle the Chinese population into monitored villages called new villages to prevent the communists from getting supplies. When the press in London got wind of it, they created a fuss about human rights abuses etc, but the authorities stuck to their plan and finally the insurgency was contained and defeated. It took a lot of difficult measures like isolating the chinese population, creating units with special powers etc, moves which in today’s society would be frowned upon. But it was the only way in the end.

And that is what the West needs to do, if only it had the will and desire to do so. But if they are working to a certain agenda, then of course, we needn’t hold our breath for anything concrete to be done except for the arrests of people who speak out against islam.


Here's a bit of history for all those who's brains have been filled with propaganda, lies and fake news.  I'm not a historian or...