Friday, January 5, 2024

The Schizophrenic And Satanic Muslim Mind


Muslims are torn by two competing realities. The first is the illusion of supremacy upon which they have been suckled all their lives by the Mother of all books - the Quran. The second is the real world in which they have to live. See the source image

Talk with an average Muslim and sooner rather than later you will hear him/her boast — theirs is the best religion (“.............Today I have perfected for you your religion” Surah Ma'idah 5:3); they have the best prophet (Muhammad is the seal of the prophets, i.e., the final prophet with Allah’s most complete revelation for mankind); they have the best book (the Quran is the literal, inimitable, unchangeable words of Allah); the best people (“You are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind” — Surah Ali 'Imran 3:110); theirs is the best language (the language of Arabic is the language of heaven, and certainly the language of revelation); they have the best law (Shari’a is divine law, and all the world should be governed by it); they have the best “blood” (i.e., according to divine law the shedding of a Muslim’s blood is a capital crime, while the shedding of the blood of a kafir is halal (permitted), in some cases requiring a payment of restitution to the victim’s family, in other cases stirring promises of heavenly rewards for dispatching a disbeliever properly to hellfire.

Indoctrinated to believe in Islam’s paramountcy, and therefore in their supremacy over everything non-Islamic, Muslims mindlessly roar “Allahu akbar” in unison whenever the imperative “takbir” is shouted.  Often wrongly translated in the West as “Allah is great,” what this means more precisely is “Allah is greater!” It is a claim to superiority, to the supremacy of Allah’s name over any rival which the non-Muslim world might offer in competition.

As Allah’s followers, Muslims believe it is mandatory that they rule over non-Muslims. Slaves are permitted, because infidels lack the dignity and value of Muslims. Islamic law forbids that non-Muslims ever hold positions of authority over Muslims, especially in government. The Cairo Declaration on Human Rights (the Islamic world’s 1990 response to the 1948 United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which Muslim governments refused to acknowledge) openly states:

The right to hold public office can only be exercised in accordance with the Shari’a, which forbids Muslims to submit to the rule of non-Muslims.”

Moreover, Muslims who rule can only do so in accordance with Islamic law — they are not permitted to innovate. Because Islam is perfect and supreme, according to its leaders, critical inquiry is not allowed. Any thinking which might question the received faith is initially discouraged, and if pursued, finally punished. According to the Quran Surah Al-Ahzab 33:36:

It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their decision: if any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a clearly wrong Path.

The most chilling extension of this suppression is, of course, the penalty of apostasy, which all the schools of Shari’a (both Sunni and Shi’ite) label a capital crime, with execution typically by beheading.

So Muslims are raised to believe in the supremacy of Islam over all else, and they tow the line well under the shadow of the sword of judgment. But here is where real life begins to interfere with fantasy.

If Islam indeed is the best religion, why does it need a law to compel people to remain within its confines?

If it is the perfection of revealed truth, why is critical inquiry not encouraged? After all, an honest search for truth should lead toward what is ultimately true, and not away from it. Truth stands up under scrutiny. So, why not encourage scholars to study the early manuscript evidence of the Quran and reveal to their lay audiences the facts that there is no original text of the Quran in existence, and that the various early manuscripts which do exist contain discrepancies from one another.

If the Quran is only truly the revealed words of Allah when read and understood in classical Arabic, why did Allah not cause all humanity to speak Arabic, so that the world could truly grasp his revelation?

Why today does less than one quarter of the world’s Muslim population speak or read Arabic, and even fewer among that elite group understand the ancient and complex classical Arabic of the Quran?

Why do Muslim scholars not openly admit that due to the mists of history and evolution of language, roughly one out of every five sentences in the Quran is unintelligible, and we are left with the best guesses of linguists?

Why is the eternal, perfect revelation of Allah concerned about squabbles in Muhammad’s harem, or with whether he can marry the divorced wife of his adopted son?

Why should the timeless word give detailed instructions about caravan raids and battles with neighbors? Would not one hope that God’s best revelation to the human race should contain things more lofty than the prosaic concerns of a desert warrior?

Wouldn’t we hope for a restatement or clarification of the Ten Commandments or the Sermon on the Mount from the Mother of All Books? And yet we find in the Quran no clear teaching of a universal morality woven into the fabric of creation by its Monarch. Indeed, if the Quran and Shari’a are any indication, what is “moral” or “righteous” before Allah is that which advances the cause of Islam (whatever it takes), and what is “wrong” is whatever impedes that advance:

“O believers, whosoever of you turns from his religion, Allah will assuredly bring a people He loves, and who love Him, humble towards the believers, disdainful towards the unbelievers, men who struggle in the path of Allah, not fearing the reproach of any reproacher. That is Allah's bounty; He gives it unto whom He will; and Allah is All-embracing, All-knowing” (Surah Al-Ma'idah 5:54).

Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who reject Faith Fight in the cause of Evil: So fight ye against the friends of Satan: feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan (Surah An-Nisa 4:76).

Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves (Surah Al-Fath 48.29).

This is what leads to the summary doctrine of Islam known as al-Walaa’ w’al-Baraa’ (Loyalty and Disavowal).  A Muslim is to devote himself to everything that pleases Allah and to oppose whatever displeases Allah. Morality is defined by what pleases Allah (what advances his supremacy within creation), and immorality becomes whatever stands between Allah and recognition of his supremacy. Oppression, murder, slavery, rape, deception, hatred of the infidel, all become sanctified tools of Allah if they serve to extend his kingdom on earth (i.e., the Muslim conquest of non-Muslims).

Muslims who are troubled by such partisan morality cast their eyes around the world to other cultures and see more elevated, even universal, versions of moral order. They see in the West the stand for universal rights and freedoms, and the aspiration that all human beings should be treated equally. Then they look back at the 57 Muslim-majority nations in the world, and note the number of dictatorships, the endemic nepotism within their leadership, and the rank corruption of their political and religious leaders.

They see that according to international studies, Muslim countries steadily rank at or near the bottom when it comes to personal freedoms, economic opportunities, standard of living, education, and equal rights. They see that human slavery has been eradicated over most of the non-Muslim world, but that it continues to thrive in the heart of the Islamic ummah.

They recognize that all of the blockbuster scientific discoveries and mind-bending technological breakthroughs, all the impetus for invention and innovation, come from the non-Muslim world. Not least among these achievements are the continuous military upgrades which make the West far superior in might than even the best equipped Muslim coalition could conceivably muster.

These realities are what lead to the schizophrenic Muslim mind. While yelling “Allahu akbar,” active Muslim supremacists are forced to scatter for cover whenever US drones are overhead. Knowing they are militarily inferior to infidel forces, jihadis are compelled to use the tactics of asymmetrical warfare: hit and run thrusts, lone wolf suicide bombers, terror attacks against soft targets. They turn as well to non-military tactics, making use of immigration and refugee policies in the West which allow them to infiltrate in large numbers, live as parasite on government welfare, and out-reproduce the native populations so as to increase their size and influence in the decades to come.

Just a few years ago, the Islamic State (ISIS), inebriated with its success in Iraq and Syria, boasted that soon the black flag of Muhammad and his followers would fly over the White House. They boasted ad nauseum that nothing could stop their advance, Allah willing. See the source image Apparently, Allah was not willing, because when the Trump administration took charge in the White House and decided to act decisively against ISIS in Syria, it was expunged in short order. The roars of Allahu akbar receded into the silence of impotence.

Let’s look at the most recent crime against humanity committed in the name of Islam when  Hamas attacked Israel, killing around 1500 people and taking over 200 hostages including babies while screaming Allahu akbar.   They raped young girls and women while chanting Allahu akbar.  Hamas has committed a long list of crimes in this attack which have been documented, including the killing of civilians, taking civilians captive, and abusing the bodies of civilians and soldiers - all in the name of Islam.

All these tactics and setbacks are an implicit admission that Islam is not superior to the non-Muslim, Western world — even with all our moral weaknesses, the West still outshines the Islamic world in terms of human rights and privileges; our quest for truth in the scientific and technological realms dwarfs that of the Muslim nations; our military strength leads to their saber-rattling and shaky knees, but no offensive engagements.

How can it be that the subjects of Islam, to whom Allah has promised supremacy over all the world, should find themselves inferior to the non-Muslim societies of the West and East? How can it be that there is no Caliphate since the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1922 which sits as King of the hill, forcing infidel lands into submission before Allah? Why has Allah allowed disbelievers to effectively overrule the Muslim agenda and advance their own instead?

These are questions that the Islamic world is loath to address, because they expose the weaknesses of a religious community indoctrinated to believe it has no weaknesses and must always triumph in the cause of Allah. The Muslim Brotherhood, and other fanatical groups, to their credit have faced these questions. Their answer is that the Muslim world has lost to the West because it has not been committed enough to the cause of Allah and his prophet. If Muslims en masse offer their full devotion to Islam, Allah will make them once again victorious over the infidel world.

But for most other Muslims, this is not a palatable option. Thus, they are content to live a schizophrenic existence, closing their eyes and reciting that they are the best of all peoples with the best of all religions, all the while sensing, deep within their psyches, that it is a lie.

Thursday, January 4, 2024



Allahu Akbar!!    Allahu Akbar!!    Allahu Akbar!!    Takbir Allahu Akbar!!

Why do Muslims and Islamic terrorists shout “Allahu akbar” while attacking, beheading or shooting?

The mass media often uses the off-the-shelf translation of Allahu akbar, saying that the Islamic war cry means ‘God is great’! 


Allah is not the same as the GOD, Christians and Jews and people of other faiths worship and believe in. 

It’s the utter ignorance or laziness on the part of editors or journalists that results in the general public being misled. Here is the correct translation; and I will include the reason why terrorists who self-identify as Muslims yell it just before an act of depraved violence. 

But first, a little language lesson in Arabic! The conjugation of the adjective ‘great’ in English is as follows: great / greater / greatest. In Arabic, the conjugation of the same adjective is kabir / akbar / al akbar. 

So, if you want to say ‘Allah is great’ in Arabic, you say “Allahu kabir!” However, terrorists who self-identify as Muslims yell, “Allahu akbar”, which means “Allah is greater”. Greater than what? Well, your god or gods, of course. And there is a history attached to their antiquated mentality that believes yelling “Allah is greater” proves their superiority. 

In the Ancient World, conquered states believed that they had lost because their gods were weaker than those of the victors. Almost always, the temples of the gods on the losing side were destroyed and new temples to house the gods of the victors were erected in their place. For thousands of years, this tradition was respected and repeated. So, bearing in mind that Islam was founded 1,400 years ago in the Middle East, a place where armies swept back and forth and kingdoms rose and fell for thousands of years, it is not surprising that this world-view is evidenced in the Islamic war cry of “Allahu akbar”! 

And like in the Ancient World, there are many examples of Islam building victory Mosques to stamp their authority on a defeated people...... 

In Nablus, for example there is An-Nasr Mosque, which translates literally as the ‘Victory Mosque’. 

The Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem is built on top of one of the holiest sites in Judaism, the Temple Mount. 

Temple of Lord Rama, a Hindu god in Ayodhya was also destroyed to build a mosque. That case is going to settle after 491 years of struggle by Hindus to worship on their holy site. 

The former St. Sophia’s Basilica (also known as Hagia Sophia), once the world’s largest Cathedrals and orthodox patriarchal Basilica, was converted to be the principal Mosque of Istanbul (now a museum). 

The Cordoba Mosque in Spain was a former Christian cathedral. 

Muslims have engaged in this practice for centuries, symbolizing their victories over infidels. 

And just in case someone has told you that Allahu Akbar is just one of many harmless sayings in Arabic, remember that the parting words of the brothers, Saïd and Chérif Kouachi, as they left the blood-soaked Charlie Hebdo offices were …………?      Yes, you guessed it!



Here's a bit of history for all those who's brains have been filled with propaganda, lies and fake news.  I'm not a historian or...