Sunday, March 3, 2024

How Much Time Does Islam Have Left On Earth - Let's do the math.


In more than 15 ahadiths found in Sahih of Imam Bukhari, Sunnan of Imam Abu Dawud, Jamii of Imam Tirmidhi and others, Mohammad said Islam has a specific lifespan on earth.  These Ahadith state that Allah gave Islam 1500 years then relatively soon after this he would establish the hour.  We are now in the year 1445 Hijra of the Islamic calendar, We are not too far away from the end of Islam.

Contrary to what some muslims are saying, Islam is declining now. I have met many educated Muslims and have ex-muslim friends from different countries: Afghans, Bangladeshis, Turks, Tunisians, Iranians who’ve given up and left Islam. Of course the uneducated ones are normally more religious. But someday they will follow too when they eventually learn the truth.

Yes … Many people are leaving the Islamic faith (mostly women), and in times of trouble or uncertainty, people are more likely to find solace in more accepting faiths like any of the forms of Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism and even paganism… Ones with more outreach, accepting terms and more ministry.

Any educated person or someone with at least half a brain will agree that practically Islamic thoughts are against humanity. They are against the natural system of diversity. They think that jihadies can bring everyone into Islamic fold. If they do not drop this idea from their minds. God will drop them into history.

Regardless of our personal preferences, it is inevitable that Islam will collapse internally, we are beginning to see those signs.

Islam is primarily a political entity rather than a spiritual one, which suggests that it is likely to disintegrate just as the Ottoman Empire did.

The movement that eventually came to be known as Islam, under the leadership of Abu Bakr in approximately 625 AD, was a political campaign aimed at global conquest. Of course, Muslims will swear that “Islam” is in the Quran but it’s not. The Quran doesn’t know what “Islam is peaceful” means and if anything, such statements would be considered as a new Quran in the making.

The Islamic military campaign can be compared to the Roman Empire (not the Roman Catholic Church) which ruled for nearly 2,300 years from 700 B.C. to 1400 AD.

If a conventional battle were to occur at this moment, it is quite likely that Muslim nations would lack the capability to effectively engage in combat, resulting in a resounding defeat, conquest, and the eradication of Islam.

Their defeat will surpass the losses suffered by all Muslim nations to Israel in 1967, within just seven days, during which Israel also managed to seize territories.

In the present day, Muslim nations are unable to engage in military conflict with Israel due to feelings of disgrace. Instead, they have chosen to establish thuggish, violent and lawless or banditry organizations such as Hamas, Hezbollah, Boko Haram, etc. in order to bear the burden of defeat on their behalf.

It is certain that Islam will gradually be eliminated in the Middle East. Iranians are gradually abandoning Islam (it’s in the news) and I think that while people are looking elsewhere, the Jews are being resettled in Gaza and elsewhere.

A general principle is that if you use a sword to kill someone, you are likely to be slain by that same blade. Islam will decline in a similar manner.

Due to their military's significant lack of strength, they resort to employing terrorist organizations to accomplish their goals.

The Ottoman Empire harbored ambitions of global conquest, however ultimately fell short after six centuries of fruitless endeavors. Islam and guerrilla warfare tactics remain closely intertwined, with groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah routinely employing these tactics, characterized by thuggery and banditry.

The Ottoman Empire governed for a span of 600 years and eventually faced defeat, marking the extent of territorial gains for Muslims.

Given the world's robust military readiness, Muslims would likely exercise caution and reconsider their actions.

The notion of Muslims achieving global domination is unfounded. Yes, they give a lot births, but such is impacted by heavy headwinds of people leaving.

The number of individuals renouncing Islam is so significant that they are not even making an effort to propagate the teachings of the God revered by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whom they claim to be familiar with, to a population of 1.3 billion Chinese. In fact, the Chinese authorities are detaining and reeducating those who have embraced Islam, instructing them on how to live as civilized individuals.

This failure of Muslims to proselytize extends to the 1.2 billion Hindus; 550 million Buddhists; 225 million former Muslims; 10 million Bahá'ís; the majority of atheists and apostate Muslims who are concealing their true beliefs within mosques; the 30% of Muslim youths of today who are openly abandoning Islam; and the 91 million Iranians who are renouncing their Islamic faith.

Muslims are experiencing a state of perplexity and just don’t know where to begin. The groups I just mentioned above are the ones with whom they should engage in conversation, rather than Christians. Christians are even harder because the know who Abraham was and therefore can’t be fooled.

Buddhists are prepared to engage in physical conflict with them so they stay away. Muslims are always looking for soft spots and heavily guarded.

There are rumors that the monarch Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) of Saudi Arabia may be an atheist who is concealing their beliefs, and there are indications of increasing limitations on Muslim prayers.  The consumption of alcohol is forbidden in Islam, but earlier this year Mohammed bin Salman authorized the promotion and sale of alcohol to expats in Riyadh. Fire is always present in the presence of smoke. 

The essence of the matter is that certain nations would get weary and discontented with Islam, leading to the outbreak of civil conflict. Europe, India, and Nigeria could see civil unrest as a result of conflicts involving Muslims.

Muslim thuggery group’s intention is to initiate an assault, eliminate a significant number of individuals, express gratitude towards the individual known as Allah, and subsequently seek refuge in a dark cave or tunnel. Boko Haram use thick forests in Nigeria to hide because they cannot afford to build tunnels.

For 1400 years, prior to the advent of the internet, Islam thrived through the dissemination of misinformation and propaganda.  Least to say, Islam was unprepared for the advent of the internet and is now making efforts to remain pertinent. Islam, the Quran, and Muhammad have all been unmasked.

The internet has provided all Muslims with the means to thoroughly scrutinize Muhammad, in order to guarantee that the Muslim Arabs (his kin) did not miss any crucial details 1400 years ago when proclaiming him as a prophet.

If the Arabs had fulfilled their responsibilities adequately, Muhammad would not have attained the status of a prophet. Muhammad is a total disgrace to humanity.

The term "Islam" is not inherently associated with the concept of submission to Muhammad's Allah, and the Quran does not acknowledge the intended meaning behind Muslims' statement that "Islam is peace." “Islam” does not exist in the Quran.

The term "Islam" refers to the act of surrendering to the authority of Muhammad and complying with his military requisitions.

In Islam, Allah is attributed with 99 names, as is Muhammad.  All other phrases commonly used by Muslims are devoid of value.

The Quran mandates that a Muslim may engage in deception. When a Muslim deliberately deceives someone or manipulates them, it is commonly known as a stratagem, and it is considered acceptable.

Undoubtedly, they will use other verses from the Quran that denounce the act of lying in order to deceive you while lying to you at the same time.

In Islam, one is regarded as highly intelligent if they successfully execute a substantial falsehood.

Deceiving you with the intention of persuading you to join the Islamic cult is a deliberate tactic or ploy, and Allah will provide them a reward for tricking you into becoming part of the largest cult ever established.

So going back to the first paragraph of my article, among the Ahadith of the hour is the disappearance of Islam from earth, in  many Ahadith a specific year of when this will occur has been given, just like their prophet Mohammad mentioned very literally what year the minor signs would begin in.  As mentioned at the beginning, these Ahadith are found in the Sahih of Imam Bukhari the Sunnan of Abu Dawud, the Jamii of Tirmidhi and other Hadith collections.

There are a number of Ahadith which talk about the length of the Muslim community's period on Earth, when you compare these Ahadith with the signs of the hour we are now seeing you will see the time we are living in and these events are on the same time frame. All Ullumah in the Muslim world agree that the minor signs of the hour have been fulfilled and we are living in the final phase of this world waiting for the Major Signs, as Ibn Kathir stated the first Major sign is the coming of Imam Mahdi.

Mohammad said “When my Community keeps on the right, it is going to enjoy an age of one day (1000 years), and when it does not keep on the right, it will have an age of (a further) half a day” (500 years). (Jami alBayan by al-Tabari, Tafsir of Surat al-Asr. This is possibly also in reference to the Ahadith in Bukhari about the age of this Umma that mention the Asr Prayer, quoted later in this work).

In another version Mohammad said, “If my Community keeps on the right, it is going to enjoy an age of one day (1000 years), and if it becomes corrupt, it will have an age of half a day” (After that, meaning rather than having two days the second day will be cut in half) (Shaykh al-Islam al-Munawi cites it in Fayd al-Qadir from Shaykh Muhyi al-Din Ibn ‘Arabi.)

Allah is supposed to have said in the Quran: “And one day according to Allah’s estimation is 1,000 years according to yours”. (Quran Surah Al-Hajj 22:47), therefore one and half days is 1500 years, we are currently in the year 1445 Hijra (which is 2024 in the Gregorian calendar).

Thus, according to this understanding of the hadith Allah has granted the Ummah a lifespan of fifteen hundred years, and Allah knows best. This prediction of a fifteen hundred year lifespan is also in keeping with the recent appearance of the Signs of the Last Days. These signs have not appeared in their totality until lately.  Even a cursory examination of these signs shows their present-day fulfilment as foretold by the Prophet Muhammad over fourteen hundred years ago.

Now get a load of this crap,  according to Islamic doctrines and the Hadiths, the Mahdi and the Dajjaal will both be on Earth prior to Isa (Jesus Christ). The Mahdi will rule the Muslims for 7, 8 or 9 years as different narrations state so this only changes matters by a few years, but if there is variation in years when the breeze will come as well as the length of the Mahdi’s time on earth and in other related matters a few years here or there does add up. The Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will come towards the end of the Mahdi’s time on earth and because Isa will return while Imam Mahdi is still alive the Dajjaal's time doesn't matter and won't change anything.

Isa (Jesus) will slay the Dajjal and he will stay in the world for 40 years. Then, he will die and the Muslims will perform the funeral prayer for him.” (Abu Dawud and Musnad Ahmad)

These ahadith give us the length of years for events to occur, we know Islam has 1500 years on earth, if we take from the 1500 year lifespan the 40 years that Isa will be alive on earth, and the 7 years between his death and the time Allah takes the life of every Muslim with the cool breeze we have 1500 – 40 – 7 = 1453 Hijri or 2031 AD approximately, that is when we can expect Isa at the soonest.

I say approximately because later I will show how these numbers may change by as much as a decade from this number, and no figure can be exact as closer analysis of the subject would show there is room for interpretation in this time range.

These calculations are more like a weather forecast of what is coming over the horizon in an estimated period of time according to the Ahadith of Allah, sometimes the rain arrives as we expect it sometimes it is a little late.

Now let’s to our math .... If we calculate, 1500 – 40 (the life of Isa) - 7 (time left after Isa dies) – 9 (life of the Mahdi) = 1444 Hijra approximately.

Therefore, 1444H – 1437H (2015 AD) = 7 years is the soonest he is expected which would have been 2023 AD (last year), or 9 years from now in 2025 AD, if we use 7 years in the initial calculation instead of the 9.

Abu As-Sadeeq An-Naajee related that Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudree said, "We feared that there would be a Hadath (something new but objectionable) and so we asked the Prophet, " He said, "Indeed in my nation there is the Mahdi, and he will come out and live for 5 or 7 or 9. A man will go to him and say, 'O Mahdi, give me.' He will throw handfuls into the man's garment, filling it with whatever the man is able to carry." (Hasan, At-Tirmidhee, Ibn Katheer in his al Bidaya wa Nihaya).

The 7 or 9 years are the most common numbers for the Mahdi’s time on earth, but there is a chance it may be 5 years instead. If we use 5 years we have 1500 – 0 – 7 - 5 = 1448 Hijra therefor, 1448H – 1437H = 11 years from now.

Therefore in total we have 7, 9 and 11 years from now based on the numbers given to us by   Mohammad  or 2023, 2025 or 2027 AD, the later we see him the later we will see Isa.

What a load of crap the above math is........

But..... we all know and we can see that the end of Islam is fast approaching.


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