Sunday, December 3, 2023



History tells that 40 percent or above genocide is committed by the muslim population this has happened in every country that was once Christian in the Middle East the latest in recent memory being the Armenian massacre by Muslim Turks.

Today the genocide goes on and the Western media is in denial. Importing these male migrants of fighting age is madness, the left liberal and political correctness the West’s greatest weakness is used against us by islamists and Islam’s plan of Global conquest.

Our leaders are weak and ISIS is still a global threat and Turkey is now becoming a bigger threat whether the caliphate falls or not as the case may be we or most would not die for our beliefs - Muslims will and do that is that difference .

Since the time of their prophet, Islam has been at war with us and it’s time for the uneducated liberals and leftists and cultural marxists to wake up to the reality of Islam before we condemn our children and their children to live under the rule of Islam.

What the West does not know is that there are 4 Stages of Islamic Conquest:



Muslims begin moving to non-Muslim countries in increasing numbers and the beginning of cultural conflicts are visible, though often subtle.

  • First migration wave to non-Muslim “host” country.
  • Appeal for humanitarian tolerance from the host society.
  • Attempts to portray Islam as a peaceful & Muslims as victims of misunderstanding and racism (even though Islam is not a ‘race’).
  • High Muslim birth rate in host country increase Muslim population.
  • Mosques used to spread Islam and dislike of host country & culture.
  • Calls to criminalize “Islamophobia” as a hate crime.
  • Threatened legal action for perceived discrimination.
  • Offers of “interfaith dialogue” to indoctrinate non-Muslims.

How many nations are suffering from Islamic infiltration? One? A handful? Nearly every nation? The Islamic ‘leadership” of the Muslim Brotherhood and others wish to dissolve each nation’s sovereignty and replace it with the global imposition of Islamic sharia law. Sharia law, based on the quran, sira and hadith, condemns liberty and forbids equality and is inconsistent with the laws of all Western nations. As the author and historian Serge Trifkovic states:

“The refusal of the Western elite class to protect their nations from jihadist infiltration is the biggest betrayal in history.”



Muslim immigrants and host country converts continue demands for accommodation in employment, education, social services, financing and courts.

  • Proselytizing increases; Establishment and Recruitment of Jihadi cells.
  • Efforts to convert alienated segments of the population to Islam.
  • Revisionist efforts to Islamize history.
  • Efforts to destroy historic evidence that reveal true Islamism.
  • Increased anti-western propaganda and psychological warfare.
  • Efforts to recruit allies who share similar goals (communists, anarchists).
  • Attempts to indoctrinate children to Islamist viewpoint.
  • Increased efforts to intimidate, silence and eliminate non-Muslims.
  • Efforts to introduce blasphemy and hate laws in order to silence critics.
  • Continued focus on enlarging Muslim population by increasing Muslim births and immigration.
  • Use of charities to recruit supporters and fund jihad.
  • Covert efforts to bring about the destruction of host society from within.
  • Development of Muslim political base in non-Muslim host society.
  • Islamic Financial networks fund political growth, acquisition of land.
  • Highly visible assassination of critics aimed to intimidate opposition.
  • Tolerance of non-Muslims diminishes.
  • Greater demands to adopt strict Islamic conduct.
  • Clandestine amassing of weapons and explosives in hidden locations.
  • Overt disregard/rejection of non-Muslim society’s legal system, culture.
  • Efforts to undermine and destroy power base of non-Muslim religions including and especially Jews and Christians.

Is there a pattern here? Theo van Gogh is murdered in the Netherlands for ‘insulting’ Islam; the Organization of the Islamic Conference demands ‘anti-blasphemy’ laws through the United Nations; France is set afire regularly by ‘youths’ (read Muslims); the rise of (dis-) honor killings…holocaust denial…anti-Semitism…deception re the tenets of Islam; hatred toward Christians and Jews and Hindus and Buddhists.  The pattern for all to see is the rise of Islamic intolerance and the covert/cultural jihad to remake host societies into sharia-compliant worlds – to remove host sovereignty and replace it with Islamic sharia law.  Sharia law that condemns earthly liberty and individual freedom, that forbids equality among faiths and between the sexes, that rejects the concept of nations outside the global house of Islam, that of dar al-Islam.



Open violence to impose Sharia law and associated cultural restrictions; rejection of host government, subjugation of other religions and customs.

  • Intentional efforts to undermine the host government & culture.
  • Acts of barbarity to intimidate citizens and foster fear and submission.
  • Open and covert efforts to cause economic collapse of the society.
  • All opposition is challenged and either eradicated or silenced.
  • Mass execution of non-Muslims.
  • Widespread ethnic cleansing by Islamic militias.
  • Rejection and defiance of host society secular laws or culture.
  • Murder of “moderate” Muslim intellectuals who don’t support Islamization.
  • Destruction of churches, synagogues and other non-Muslim institutions.
  • Women are restricted further in accordance with Sharia law.
  • Large-scale destruction of population, assassinations, bombings.
  • Toppling of government and usurpation of political power.
  • Imposition of Sharia law

The website keeps track of the number of violent jihad attacks as best it can. The site lists more than 14,000 attacks since September 2001. It is worth a visit. What is occurring, however, that is likely inestimable are events where muslims are bullied by other muslims for not being “muslim enough,” where non-Muslims are intimidated into doing or not doing what they desire, where remnant populations are in a death spiral simply for being non-muslim in a predominantly muslim area. Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists Animists and Atheists meet with death, property destruction or confiscation, forced conversion, rape, excessive taxation (the jizya), enslavement, riotous mobs and various other forms of islam (in-) justice at the hands of muslims in Sudan, Philippines, Kenya, Malaysia, India, etc.  And let us not forget ‘death to Apostates’ the world over.



Islam becomes the only religious-political-judicial-cultural ideology.

  • Sharia becomes the “law of the land.
  • All non-Islamic human rights cancelled.
  • Enslavement and genocide of non-Muslim population.
  • Freedom of speech and the press eradicated.
  • All religions other than Islam are forbidden and destroyed.
  • Destruction of all evidence of non-Muslim culture, populations and symbols in country (Buddhas, houses of worship, art, etc).

The House of Islam (“peace”), dar al-Islam, includes those nations that have submitted to Islamic rule, to the soul crushing, liberty-condemning, discriminatory law of Sharia. The rest of the world in in the House of War, dar al-harb, because it does not submit to Sharia, and exists in a state of rebellion or war with the will of ‘Allah.’ No non-Muslim state or its citizens are “innocent,” and remain viable targets of war for not believing in ‘Allah.’

The Christian, Jewish, Coptic, Hindu and Zoroastrian peoples of world have suffered under subjugation for centuries. The Dhimmi-esque are forbidden to construct houses of worship or repair existing ones, economically crippled by the heavy jizya (tax), socially humiliated, legally discriminated against, criminally targeted and generally kept in a permanent state of weakness, fear and vulnerability by Islamic governments.

It should be noted that forced conversions (Pakistan and Egypt) and slavery (Sudan and other African states including parts of the Middle East) are still reported. Homosexuals have been hung in the public square in Iran. Young girls are married to old men. Apostates are threatened with death. “Honor” killings are routine. Women are legally second-class citizens, though Muslim males insist they are “treated better” than in the West. These more obvious manifestations may distract from some less obvious ones such as the lack of intellectual inquiry in science, narrow scope of writing, all but non-existent art and music, sexual use and abuse of youth and women, and the disregard for personal fulfillment, joy and wonder. Look into the eyes of a recently married 12 year old girl to see the consequence of the moral deprivation spawned by Islam.

Islam is NOT a religion; it is a theo-political doctrine as implemented under Islamic Sharia Law. People should take note that Islam makes attainment of political goals a religious duty, thereby making inseparable the religious from the political. Islam’s express goal is to spread Islam across the world—to replace or subjugate anything non-Islamic. Wherever Islam thrives, a state within a state develops and the existing government and unbelieving (kafir, infidel) culture is rejected. The Islamic minority grows in until it can conquer, by political or violent means, the established government and replace it with Sharia.

Friday, December 1, 2023



Who are these people who call themselves “Palestinians”

Before I proceed with this subject, I like to make it absolutely clear that I am not a historian of any sort but, having an ancestral Jewish background going back thousands of years I have this burning thirst and desire to learn about the land of my ancestors.  This burning thirst and desire has lead me to conduct years of extensive research on the Land of Israel and my people “The Jewish People”.  To do this I laboriously read the Torah and the Bible (Old Testament) and acquired historic and archaeological data and information.

So let’s all look at who were the original so called “Palestinians”.  To do this we have to go back to almost 3,000 years or more where the Philistines were an Aegean (Cypriot) people that died out almost 3,000 years ago. To be absolutely clear, there is absolutely no connection between this tribe and the modern day Arabs that identify as Palestinian. Even the land the two people dwelled in was different, Philistine was a tiny stretch of land in the same location as what is known today as Gaza. At this time the much larger area of Israel and the West Bank was almost exclusively inhabited by Jews. To suggest the Palestinians descend from this tiny tribe is positively absurd – they were a different ethnicity, with a different language and no traces of their culture exists in Palestinian culture today. This people became extinct 3,000 years ago, they are NOT the Palestinians.


The word Philistine stems from a Hebrew word “Palishtim” which was the Biblical name of this tribe. It is a Hebrew (Jewish) word which translates to invaders, as the Philistines were not indigenous to the region.

Now let’s see where was Syria-Palestina.

When the Romans crushed the Jewish revolt of 132 CE in an attempt to discourage patriotism they renamed the region Syria-Palaestina (exiling many of the Jews at the same time). Syria-Palestina stretched from Egypt to Turkey and from Israel to Jordan, it had a diverse demography but the majority population was Phoenician, Greek and Roman.


Syria-Palestina was a foreign name forced upon a region that had never been unified. The Romans chose to name it after two ancient kingdoms Assyria and Philistine, both of which have long since died out. This Roman province had nothing to do with the modern day Palestinian state, either geographically or ethnically.

So who are the so called “Palestinians”?

The so called “Palestinians” are a mixed people and while the majority descend from recent economic migrants, who flocked to the area between 1850 and 1950. A few Muslim families trace their history to the Arab conquest of Jerusalem and some Jewish and Christian families go even back further. However, very few Arabs are indigenous – Arabs are not indigenous to the Israel (unsurprisingly they originate from Arabia, they arrived in the Land of Israel with the Muslim conquests of the 7th century).

At the beginning of the 20th century a number of Levantine Arabs reacted to Zionism by creating a nationalist movement of their own and like the Zionists they sought national self-determination. The problem with creating this non-Jewish nationalist movement was that the inhabitants of the region were incredibly diverse, there were Arabs, Bedouins, Druze, Kurds, Europeans, Arameans, Christians, Muslims, etc. and ‘not being Jewish’ was the only thing these people had in common. They had absolutely NO language, culture or religion to make them distinct from Jordanians or Syrians and the only thing that seemed to unify them was opposition to Jewish sovereignty in that region.

Since the end of Jewish sovereignty in the region, Israel remained a tiny province in much larger empires. Some of these conquerors referred to the area by the Roman name of Palestine (Philistia, Palestina, Mandatory Palestine, etc.) – but this always denoted a place and not a people. Irrespective of this fact, the Arab nationalists chose to name the nation they coveted “Filastin”, probably because this was the only consistently used name for the region that did not have strong Jewish associations.

Before Britain relinquished control of the Mandate the inhabitants of the Mandatory Palestine had mixed loyalties, some supported a Jewish homeland, some remained impartial, a minority supported an Arab homeland and a larger number supported the notion of pan-Arabism (which unified all Arab peoples – not just one small province). It was pan-Arabism that had the support of the surrounding Arab states, while powerful local clans like the Husaynis and Nashashibis fought for Palestinian self-determination.

In reality, Palestinian nationalism was a minority position, one powerful Arab leader, Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, declared “There is no such country as Palestine! ‘Palestine’ is a term the Zionists invented! There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria.”

When Syrian President Hafez Assad said to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat “There is no such thing as a Palestinian people, there is no Palestinian entity, there is only Syria. You are an integral part of the Syrian people, Palestine is an integral part of Syria. Therefore it is we, the Syrian authorities, who are the true representatives of the Palestinian people.” 

Arafat was in no place to rebuke him as a few years earlier, he himself had declared…

The question of borders doesn’t interest us… From the Arab standpoint, we mustn’t talk about borders. Palestine is nothing but a drop in an enormous ocean. Our nation is the Arabic nation that stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea and beyond it… The PLO. is fighting Israel in the name of Pan-Arabism. What you call “Jordan” is nothing more than Palestine.

– Yasser Arafat 


And it wasn’t just the Palestinians and Syrians saying this…

The truth is that Jordan is Palestine and Palestine is Jordan

 – King Hussein of Jordan 

In 1948, Jordan invaded and conquered the West Bank usurping the territory. They forbade Jews from living there and granted all non-Jews Jordanian citizenship… the local “Palestinians” embraced their new nationality without objection. There was no rejection of this new identity as Jordanians and Palestinians saw each other as one people, it was only because of British interference that they were artificially separated into two people.

One of the most common movements amongst 20th century Arabs was pan-Arabism, which advocated for the unification of Arab countries into an Arab superstate. When King Abdullah of Jordan usurped the West Bank he imagined it being one a stepping stone to ruling his own pan-Arab empire called “Greater Syria”. To his dismay the Israelis shattered this dream in 1967 after repelling an Arab attack on Israel, Jordan were driven out of the West Bank and in the blink of an eye his vision of a Greater Syria crumbled.

Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?

– Walid Shoebat, a former PLO terrorist


With pan-Arabism on its knees, the Arabs attempted a different strategy to destroy Israel – Palestinian independence. Up until this point Palestinian nationalism had been supported by a small minority that had failed to unify the people behind their cause. When the Grand Mufti attempted to establish the All-Palestine Government in Gaza, it was defeated due to lack of power and public support. Other attempts met a similar fate. In the sixties this changed, pan-Arabism was in its death throes and Palestinian statehood emerged as its successor. The Palestinian Liberation Organisation, headed by Arafat and supported by the Arab League, effectively gave birth to the Palestinian people, they fabricated a history and unity amongst the people that had never existed.


The Palestinian people have no national identity. I, Yasser Arafat, man of destiny, will give them that identity through conflict with Israel.

– Yasser Arafat 


They created a flag (which was all but identical to their brothers in Jordan) and fabricated a history supporting their claim for sovereignty over all of the land, including Israel.


The majority of these Arabs were not indigenous, nor were they distinct from other Arabs in that region and while today they define themselves as one people (and they have the right to self-identify this way). One should not be fooled into believing they are an ancient people, or even a people with ancient claims to the land.

Two hundred years ago there were no Palestinians, while there was a multitude of mixed ethnicities living in the land, they did not identify as a collective people. Nor is there any evidence of a Palestinian people every existing. There has never been a Palestinian monarch, a Palestinian language and all Palestinian art and culture is a construct of modernity. In contrast, Jews are an identifiable people with a shared history, monarchs and language with irrefutable ties to the land of Israel.

 So what’s with the Jewish use of the word “Palestine”

Though the nationalists chose to identify as “Filastin”, it was the Jews that first took on this name calling their newspapers, charities, and organizations such names as the “Palestine Post” and the “United Palestine Appeal,” while the Arabs eschewed the term as being “Jewish” and “Zionist.” For them, they were Muslims first, and “Southern Syrians” second.

To summarize all that I’ve provided historically, let’s ask ourselves....

If Palestine were a “sovereign” or “independent” country at some point in history (or as some suggest, one that spans most of recorded history), then it would be easy to answer these questions:

  • When was it founded and by whom?
  • What were its borders?
  • Who was its rulers?
  • What constituted the basis of its economy?
  • Who were the Palestinian leaders before the Grand Mufti?
  • Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at that time or now, leaves no room for interpretation?
  • What was the language of the country of Palestine?
  • What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine?
  • And, finally, since there is no such country today, what caused its demise and when did it occur?

These questions cannot be answered as the “Palestinians” are modern people and Palestinian nationalism is actually younger than Zionism. They are not indigenous to the land, the majority are recent migrants attracted by economic opportunities created by the Zionists. Even those that pre-date the Zionists are on the whole migrants to the land attracted at different times, during different conquests and for different reasons.

Let’s look to Arafat, the KGB, and the Palestinian Narrative as is stated in the Gatestone Institute:

This comes from a document in the Mitrokhin archives at the Churchill Archives Center at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. Vasily Mitrokhin was a former senior officer of the Soviet Foreign Intelligence service, who was later demoted to KGB archivist. At immense risk to his own life, he spent 12 years diligently copying secret KGB files that would not otherwise have become available to the public (the KGB foreign intelligence archives remain sealed from the public, despite the demise of the Soviet Union). When Mitrokhin defected from Russia in 1992, he brought the copied files to the UK. The declassified parts of the Mitrokhin archives were brought to the public eye in the writings of Cambridge professor Christopher Andrew. He co-wrote The Mitrokhin Archive (published in two volumes) with the Soviet defector. Mitrokhin’s archives led, among other things, to the discovery of many KGB spies in the West and elsewhere.

What is found in the  files are four main points:

  • The PLO and the Palestinian Narrative was dreamt up by the KGB, which had a penchant for ‘liberation’ organizations.” — Ion Mihai Pacepa, former chief of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Romania.
  • “First, the KGB destroyed the official records of Arafat’s birth in Cairo and replaced them with fictitious documents saying that he had been born in Jerusalem and was, therefore, a Palestinian by birth.” — Ion Mihai Pacepa.
  • “[T]he Islamic world was a waiting petri dish in which we could nurture a virulent strain of America-hatred, grown from the bacterium of Marxist-Leninist thought. Islamic anti-Semitism ran deep… We had only to keep repeating our themes — that the United States and Israel were ‘fascist, imperial-Zionist countries’ bankrolled by rich Jews.” — Yuri Andropov, former KGB chairman.
  • As early as 1965, the USSR had formally proposed a resolution that would condemn Zionism as colonialism and racism in the UN. Although the Soviets did not succeed in their first attempt, the UN turned out to be an overwhelmingly grateful recipient of Soviet bigotry and propaganda; in November 1975, Resolution 3379 condemning Zionism as “a form of racism and racial discrimination” was finally passed.

Here’s information on three important Palestinian figures.  I have a long list that is too long to add in this article.

Yasser Arafat (PLO Chairman and Leader) was an Egyptian bourgeois turned into a devoted Marxist by KGB foreign intelligence. The KGB had trained him at its Balashikha special-ops school east of Moscow and in the mid-1960s decided to groom him as the future PLO leader. First, the KGB destroyed the official records of Arafat's birth in Cairo, replacing them with fictitious documents saying that he had been born in Jerusalem and was therefore a Palestinian by birth.

Saeb Erekat’s family is Bedouin. According to Bedouin genealogy, the family is part of the Huweitat clan which originated in the Hejaz area of Saudi Arabia, arrived in Palestine from the south of Jordan, and settled in the village of Abu Dis in the early twentieth century.  Saeb Erakat was a Palestinian Politician and Diplomat.

Mahmoud Mirza Abbas (Palestinian President) was born into a completely Baha’i family and Abbas Effendi was his grandfather who had an important position among the Baha’is. His family left Iran following increasing pressure on the Baha’is. Abbas Effendi, the ancestor of Mahmoud Abbas, titled Abdu’l-Baha, is one of the most important figures in the history of the Baha’i sect.

It is not and has never been the Jewish peoples aim to deny these people of their recently found identity, we believe all people have the right to self-identity. But this must not come at the expense of Jewish right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland.



Here's a bit of history for all those who's brains have been filled with propaganda, lies and fake news.  I'm not a historian or...