Saturday, September 14, 2024



On a stunning September morning 23 years ago, hell, heartache and horror came from the skies.

Recalling that fateful day of September 11, 2001 or 9/11 as we all know it ...  when the images of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre plummeted to the ground, badly damaged the Pentagon and left some 3,000 Americans dead,  we now know what we didn’t know that day: that the terrorist attack had been building for more than a decade.

The terrorists that day in New York, Washington and in a Pennsylvania field were Islamic religious fanatics juiced on hate and bloodlust as dictated in their so called holy book they call the “Quran”.

Let's call a spade a spade and tell it like it is rather than attempting to whitewash it by using the term "Islamophobia" which is a total cop-out used by cowards.  Those who commit acts of terrorism in the name of Islam are true believers of the evil and murderous ideology dictated in the Quran.  

Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with education and economic status.  Islamic terrorism is in the root of it's teaching in Islam.

Teaching of Islam is very clear teaching in the world and there is not an iota of confusion.

Teachings of Islam in Quran is in one line which is as follows:

"La- ilaha Illallah"

There is no God but Allah and who don't believe in Allah are kafirs and hence these kafirs are to be eradicated by converting or slaughtering”.

Rest of Quran is all about how to establish the above line .

It is a confusion in other religions who see Islam in their own spects and speculate it to be like them — “Religion of peace”.   There is no peace in Islam until or unless everybody is converted into Islam and for this all muslims have to do jihad.

Dar al Islam is where there is an Islamic Government and Shariah Law is into practise. Means Islam has been established and all Muslims have been converted to Islam. Muslims are in full majority and no non-Muslim Minority .

Dar al Harb is a war zone where Muslims are into war with the government/rulers for their safety and existence. All non Muslims who are not converted, the effort is to convert or do jihad to exterminate the Kafirs. Majority are Muslims and minority are non-Muslims and slowly they have to make minority non-Muslims to zero or to extinction.

Dar al Amn is a territory where there is not an Islamic Government or Shariah Law, but the life of Muslims are secured and they are freely allowed to practice their religion without any interference as long as it does not contradict with the law. Here Muslims are in Minority and majority is non-Muslims.   Here minority of the Muslims are given the task to increase population by child birth or conversion and when they become Majority they have to wage war against non-Muslims.

Perfect plan is laid down in Quran to convert each and every person to Islam. This type of clear cut plan is not found in any other religion .

Now the people who are killing kafirs in name of jihad are actually true followers of Islam .  

There is no confusion in Islam. Confusion is in other religions who don't know Islam.

Terrorism is a reason for life in Islam - it's right there in their religious texts - in black and white! Islam will conquer the world; Islam will subdue the infidels; Islam will slaughter all the Jews on the Day of Judgement.” Or words to similar effect.

Also, their sheikhs, mullahs, and imams preach it “religiously” in most of their mosques, Islamic Centres and Madrassas worldwide.

As a cult of war, Islam will continually seek enemies to fight. If ready-made ones did not exist, Islam would seek to create them.

So, fast-forwarding .....  Hundreds of terrorism attacks later, it appears as though Canada learned nothing from that day, comfortable in our anti-American smugness. We are the victims of our own peculiar faculty lounge aesthetic.

Right now, the signals are there that this country’s criminal complacency — particularly over the last nine years — will carry a heavy price in blood and tears when the cheque comes.

Let’s take a peek at the last six weeks.

  • Niagara Regional Police arrested Taha Sleiman, 21, in Niagara Falls. Cops alleged he was making improvised explosive devices, a terror treat if ever there was one. Sleiman was charged with making, possessing, care and control of an explosive device and unlawful possession of explosives.
  • Pakistan citizen and Canadian resident Muhammad Shahzeb Khan, 20, (what was he doing in this country?) was arrested in Quebec on his way to New York City. He had allegedly planned a massive attack on the Big Apple’s Jews. The timing was going to be … Oct. 7.
  • Accused father-son terror tag team Ahmed Fouad Mostafa Eldidi, 62, and Mostafa Eldidi, 26, were arrested at a Richmond Hill hotel in early August. RCMP alleged they planned to murder en masse at the behest of the Islamic State death cult.

On that day more than two decades ago in New York, my big question was how the 19 terrorists slipped into the country? We ask that daily in Canada now.

How did someone like Ahmed Fouad Mostafa Eldidi breeze into the country apparently without scrutiny? How did he get citizenship?

The FBI alleged that Muhammad Shahzeb Khan was shooting for the stars by planning to unleash “the largest attack on U.S. soil since 9/11.” He is charged in Canada and the U.S. with participating in or supporting a terrorist group.

Twenty-three years later, those days and mental images still linger.

The fear hasn’t gone away either. It’s only increased. No amount of finger-crossing and virtue signalling will change that.

I think many countries look upon Canada as being a welcoming country for terrorists, war criminals and so on. I don't think it is a deliberate policy on the part of Canada.

A lot of people are also saying that Canada has become a safe haven for terrorists.  I think they are absolutely right because you look at all the past and most recent event, it is the result of a series of shortcomings in the system that enables people to slip across the border through any port of entry, establish a case -- particularly those who wish to make a refugee claim -- and then more or less disappear forever, in some cases, or in some cases until the hearing, or until they are turned down, or until they are accepted. And while they are doing this, they are paid welfare, they're paid housing, they're looked after legally, medically.

Prime example is  27-year-old Ahmed Ressam, an Algerian like many of the Islamic militants left Algeria for France in 1992 and where he lived illegally until 1994, mostly on the island of Corsica.  In February 1994 Ahmed Ressam using a doctored French passport with his picture crudely glued in, the flew from France to Montreal. At the airport, he was stopped by immigration officials who suspected that his passport was false. Ressam requested political asylum, claiming in a sworn statement that he had been tortured in Algeria and that he was falsely accused of arms trading and other terrorist activities. Apparently without checking with Algeria, France, or Interpol, Canadian immigration agents accepted his story and released him pending a hearing on his refugee status. Canada's Immigration Minister at the time, Eleanor Caplan, later said it was not a serious offense to present a false passport to gain entry to Canada, noting that many legitimate refugees resort to doing so.

So basically, if you are caught with a false document, you can simply say, "I claim refugee status because I was persecuted," or "I am in danger of persecution and the only way I can get out of my country is with a false passport." The passport, of course, might not even be of the country of origin or somewhere else, as was the case here. So there is really ... no constraint against a person using false documents. And of the 30,000 refugee claimants arriving in Canada every year, 60 percent of them arriving have either no documents or claim to have no documents or have false documents, and they all stay and they all proceed with their claim. So that it is not a barrier.

Looking at all the incidents that have occurred within Canada through the years with illegal immigrants entering with fake documents or with absolutely no documents at all, I strongly believe there is no doubt that these illegal immigrants are playing Canada for a sucker. They enter under false pretenses, they lie, they broke the law, they use Canada as a base of operations against a neighboring country with whom we have no quarrel. And in the case of that Pakistani immigrant Muhammad Shahzeb Khan - if he had been captured ... he would have killed untold numbers of innocent civilians in the United States, and Canada would have had blood on its hands. ...

 ...We didn't catch him -- the Americans did. I think it's time that all the agencies, and certainly the government, took this seriously before something truly tragic happens.


Monday, April 29, 2024


Here's a bit of history for all those who's brains have been filled with propaganda, lies and fake news.  I'm not a historian or a scholar but I do know history the world.  I have "books" on the subject.

There has never been an Arab state called “Palestine” in the land of Judea/Israel. However, during ancient times, there were several Jewish states & kingdoms both inside and outside the land of Israel. For millennia, Jews have been a civilization indigenous to the land of Israel. The Jewish State, however, has steadily been reduced in size.

Jews and other non-Muslims have for centuries lost a considerable amount of land due to Arabian-Islamic colonialism.

Yet the Jews of Israel still practice their ancient traditions, speak the same language, and live on the same land, the homeland of their ancient ancestors.”

A crash course on history of the PALESTINIAN STATE:

1.    Before Israel, there was a British mandate, not a Palestinian state.


2.    Before the British Mandate, there was the Ottoman Empire, not a Palestinian state.


3.    Before the Ottoman Empire, there was the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, not a Palestinian state.


4.    Before the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, there was the Ayubid Arab-Kurdish Empire, not a Palestinian state.


5.    Before the Ayubid Empire, there was the Frankish and Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, not a Palestinian state.


6.    Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem, there was the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, not a Palestinian state.


7.    Before the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, there was the Byzantine empire, not a Palestinian state.


8.    Before the Byzantine Empire, there were the Sassanids, not a Palestinian state.


9.    Before the Sassanid Empire, there was the Byzantine Empire, not a Palestinian state.


10.  Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not a Palestinian state.


11.  Before the Roman Empire, there was the Hasmonean state, not a Palestinian state.


12.  Before the Hasmonean state, there was the Seleucid, not a Palestinian state.


13.  Before the Seleucid empire, there was the empire of Alexander the Great, not a Palestinian state.


14.  Before the empire of Alexander the Great, there was the Persian empire, not  a Palestinian state.


15.  Before the Persian Empire, there was the Babylonian Empire, not a Palestinian state.


16.  Before the Babylonian Empire, there were the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, not a Palestinian state.


17.  Before the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, there was the Kingdom of Israel, not a Palestinian state.


18.  Before the kingdom of Israel, there was the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, not a Palestinian state.


19.  Before the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, there was an agglomeration of independent Canaanite city kingdoms, not a Palestinian state.


20.  Actually, in this piece of land there has been everything, EXCEPT A PALESTINIAN STATE.

Thursday, March 21, 2024



Someone commented on a post on Instagram: “So you are denying the existence of Palestinians? Why not go for a 2 state solution? That is really the only solution. Jews wanted a country. They got it. Why can’t Palestinians have a country too?”

My response for your reading pleasure.

First of all, yes, the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians are a historical fabrication. Golda Meir had a Palestinian passport. She was at the time a citizen of Mandate Palestine- a protectorate of the British Empire. All the people living in mandate Palestine got passports issued by the British authorities. It did not convey British citizenship, nor was Palestine a sovereign state, these were protectorate passports denoting a subject of the British Empire based in a territory administered by the UK.

A Egyptian born terrorist named Yasser Arafat hijacked the word “Palestinian” to describe Jordanians and other Arabs. There never was a Palestinian Arab state. If you disagree, kindly tell me when it was established, what did their flag look like and what the national anthem was.


Second of all, they had a state in 1947. While the State of Israel was established on May 15, 1948 and admitted to the United Nations, a Palestinian State was not established. The remaining territories of pre-1948 Palestine, the West Bank - including East Jerusalem- and Gaza Strip, were administered from 1948 till 1967 by Jordan and Egypt, respectively. They rejected it. And then they repeated that same mistake over and over again as I will show the list below













As the famous quote goes, “they don’t miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.”

The people who call themselves Palestinians originally came from Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia; this is still reflected in their surnames. Before the creation of the Palestinian identity, they strongly identified with their countries/communities of origin. The Palestinian identity was created as a useful mean to negate Israeli identity and the Israeli claim to the land.


They don’t want a state. They want no Israel. Sorry for not accommodating their genocidal aspirations.

I’ll go a little more deeper by looking into the Quran and what it has to say about Israel and Palestine.....

Israel is mentioned 43 times in the Quran out of this, “Bene Israel” meaning children of Israel is mentioned 41 times and “Israel” only is mentioned 2 times. No where in the Quran and hadiths is Palestine ever mentioned.

[20] AND, LO, Moses said unto his people:" O my people! Remember the blessings which God bestowed upon you when he raised up prophets among you, and made you your own masters, and granted unto you [favours] such as He had not granted to anyone else in the world.

[21] O my people! Enter the holy land which God has promised you; but do not turn back [on your faith], for then you will be lost!"     Surah Al-Ma'idah 5:20-21

All food (that is lawful in the Law revealed to Muhammad) was lawful to the Children of Israel, except what Israel made unlawful to themselves before the revelation of the Torah.    Surah Ali 'Imran 3:93

Those were ˹some of˺ the prophets who Allah has blessed from among the descendants of Adam, and of those We carried with Noah ˹in the Ark˺, and of the descendants of Abraham and Israel, and of those We ˹rightly˺ guided and chose.  Surah Maryam 19:58

O Children of Israel! Remember ˹all˺ the favours I granted you and how I honoured you above the others.    Surah Al-Baqarah 2:47

And We said to the Children of Israel after Pharaoh, “Reside in the land, but when the promise of the hereafter comes to pass we will bring you all together.”       Surah Al-Isra 17:104

Hope that answers any questions you may have.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Pagan Islam’s present day Pre-Islamic practices exposed through its own hadiths


If any Muslim claims that all people were born Muslim, but they went astray ask him what were 360 Idols doing in the Kaaba when Muhammad was young, ask them why do they deny their own Hadiths and Books which expose Pre Islamic Pagan Polytheistic Practices! Ask them to explain why Muhammad did not stop these pagan practices but instead, he combined it with his 7th century created so called religion of Islam. Worship at the Kaaba

Let’s dive in and see what are some of the Pagan Rituals still prevalant in Islam

Mohammed created Islam by putting together a mishmash of Arabic Pagan beliefs, Judaism and Christianity.  Many customs and practices were borrowed from Arabic Paganism, like Hajj, the hijab was worn by free women (as in women who aren’t slaves, and Islam did not get rid of slavery), praying 5 times a day etc.  The original symbol of the Arabic pre-Islamic al-Lat, which was later co-opted by emerging Islamic religion, is the moon and cresent symbol.  Allah was the Pagan Father God that Mohammed repurposed into a new god called Allah that would be held as the god of the new religion “Islam”

The three principle Goddesses of Arabia were al-Lāt, al-'Uzzá and  Manāt.... and they may still be today as their names are mentioned in the Quran.

Before Mohammed created islam, he worshipped the Goddess al-Lāt.  The mother Goddess al-Lat was actually the consort of the Pagan God Allah, who was the high God who created heaven and earth.  Mohammed changed the mythology to suit his misogyny by calling all three chief goddessed the daughters of the Islamic Allah.  He then said “Satan” told him those verses.  She is the mother of the God Dhu’Shara and indeed she has many children. As for al-Lat, she was the chief goddess of the Banu Thaqif. She has the power to create life and give birth, and the Kaaba (cubic sanctuary) is sacred to her as the creator of the deities.  She is the queen of heaven for the Arabs and in ancient times was worshipped by many people, including the Thaqif, Lihyan, Quraysh, Sulaym, Ghanim, Khuza'ah, Kinanah, Nabataeans, and Sabaeans.

The Goddess al-'Uzzá was the Goddess of love, war, and beauty, as well as of the morning and evening star. She is the daughter of Allah. She has two daughters and her consort is Dhu'Shara. In ancient times, al-'Uzzá was first a Sabaean and southern Arabian goddess, but her cult spread to the Nabataeans in the north. Many people worshiped her, including the Quraysh, Sulaym, Ghanim, Khuza'ah, Kinanah, Nabataeans, and Sabaeans. Her idol stood in a sanctuary called Buss, which contained an altar called al-Ghabghab and was used for sacrifices and prayers. Nearby to the temple stood three acacia trees in the Valley of Nakhlat al-Sha'miyah, near Makkah. She is similar to the Roman Goddess ‎Venus, the Greek Goddess Aphrodite, the Canaanites Goddesses Ashtart and Anat, the Babylonian Goddess Ishtar, and the Sumerian Goddess Inanna.

The Goddess Manāt is the wife of the god Hubal, daughter of Ruda, and the Goddess of Fate. Manāt was worshiped by many different tribes, including the Khazraj, the Aws, the Nabataeans, the Hudhayl, and the Khuza'ah. She is the most ancient of the three Goddesses discussed. She is the Goddess of time, destiny, fate, divination, and She leads heroes to the grave. At the end of the required pilgrimage, the Arabs would visit Manāt's shrine and shave their heads.       

After reading the Quran and Hadiths coupled with studying ancient Islamic history, I would say there’s a lot

First and foremost, according to the hadith, the Kaaba in Mecca was a center of idol-worship, with the Kaaba housing 360 idols:

Narrated 'Abdullah bin Masud: The Prophet entered Mecca and (at that time) there were three hundred-and-sixty idols around the Kaaba. He started stabbing the idols with a stick he had in his hand and reciting: "Truth (Islam) has come and Falsehood (disbelief) has vanished."

Sahih Bukhari 3:43:658


Their prophet Muhammad discarded the 360 idols but retained for Islam, the Kaaba with its Black Stone, justifying it with the claim that Abraham and Ishmael originally constructed it. However, there is no historical or archaeological evidence for the existence of the Kaaba beyond a few hundred years before Muhammad's lifetime.

In fact, Muhammad's own words disprove any connection he was attempting to make between Abraham, Ishmael and the Kaaba.

The Quran says Abraham built it:

Remember We made the House a place of assembly for men and a place of safety; and take ye the station of Abraham as a place of prayer; and We covenanted with Abraham and Isma'il, that they should sanctify My House for those who compass it round, or use it as a retreat, or bow, or prostrate themselves (therein in prayer).

Quran Surah Al-Baqarah 2:125


Muhammed says it was built 40 years prior to the Temple at Jerusalem:

Narrated Abu Dhaar: I said, "O Allah's Apostle! Which mosque was built first?" He replied, "Al-Masjid-ul-Haram." I asked, "Which (was built) next?" He replied, "Al-Masjid-ul-Aqs-a (i.e. Jerusalem). " I asked, "What was the period in between them? He replied, forty years.

Sahih Bukhari 4:55:636


The Temple at Jerusalem was built by Solomon around 958-951 BC. This implies that if Muhammad were to be believed, the Kaaba must have been built approximately 998-991 BCBut Abraham lived around 2000 BC and both Abraham and Ishmael would have been dead by then.

 If Muhammad is correct, then the Quran [and therefore Allah] is wrong. But if the Quran is correct in stating that Abraham and Ishmael built the Kaaba, then Muhammad and the sahih hadith is wrong.

 The Kaaba has nothing to do with Abraham or Ishmael. It has a wholly pagan heritage. Egyptian Professor and foremost authority on Arabic literature, Dr. Taha Husayn, said the following:

The case for this episode is very obvious because it is of recent date and came into vogue just before the rise of Islam. Islam exploited it for religious reasons.

 Also, according to sahih hadith, Muhammad even considered dismantling it:

Narrated Aswad: Ibn Az-Zubair said to me, "Aisha used to tell you secretly a number of things. What did she tell you about the Ka'ba?" I replied, "She told me that once the Prophet said, 'O 'Aisha! Had not your people been still close to the pre-Islamic period of ignorance (infidelity)! I would have dismantled the Ka'ba and would have made two doors in it; one for entrance and the other for exit." Later on Ibn Az-Zubair did the same.

Sahih Bukhari 1:3:128


Worship at the Kaaba and the kissing of the Black Stone are just the first of many practices adopted from 7th century paganism and repackaged within so called monotheistic Islam.


Veneration of the Black-stone

The pagan gods of pre-Islamic Arabia were worshipped in the form of rectangular stones or rocks. For example, the pagan deity 'Al-Lat', mentioned in Quran Surah An-Najm 53:19, and believed by pre-Islamic pagans to be one of the daughters of Allah, was once venerated as a cubic rock at Ta'if in Saudi Arabia. An edifice was built over the rock to mark it apart as a house of worship.

Al-Lat stood in al-Ta'if, and was more recent than Manah. She was a cubic rock beside which a certain Jew used to prepare his barley porridge (sawiq). Her custody was in the hands of the banu-'Attab ibn-Malik of the Thayif, who had built an edifice over her. [...]She is the idol which God mentioned when He said, "Have you seen al-lat and al-'Uzza (Surah An-Najm 53:19)?

Pre-Islamic Arabic Goddess Al-Lāt

The original symbol of the Goddess al-Lāt, which was later co-opted by the emerging Islamic religion


Kitab Al-Asnam (The Book of Idols), p 14

"A principal sacred object in Arabian religion was the stone, either a rock outcropping or a large boulder, often a rectangular or irregular black basaltic stone… of numerous baetyls, the best known is the Black-stone of the Kaaba at Mecca which became the central shrine object in Islam".

There is no denying that the Black Stone was one among many stones and idols venerated at the Kaaba by the pre-Islamic pagans. The Black Stone was kissed during pre-Islamic pagan worship. Though Muhammad threw out 360 other objects at the Kaaba, he retained this Black Stone and continued the practice of kissing it. It is this same stone that the pre-Islamic pagans once kissed, that Muslims kiss today when visiting Mecca.


Praying 5 Times Towards Mecca

Pagans prior to Islam would pray five times per day towards Mecca.  Muhammad retained for Islam, this pre-Islamic practice, sanctioning it with a story of a night trip to heaven on a mythical beast called al-Buraq. In heaven, the Hadith tells us that Allah demanded 50 prayers per day per Muslim. Upon advice from Moses, Muhammed bargains with Allah and successfully reduces it to five prayers per day.

Zoroastrians are also expected to recite their (kusti) prayers at least five times a day having first cleansed themselves by washing (ablution). So even today, this is not a practice unique to Islam. But, contrary to the Muslims, they pray in the direction of the Sun (at each time of the day) and/or of the Holy Fire (if they are in a Fire Temple).


Fasting on the 10th of Muharram

Muhammad's pagan tribe, the Quraish, fasted on the 10th of Muharram. Though optional, Muhammad retained this pagan practice too.

Narrated 'Aisha: 'Ashura' (i.e. the tenth of Muharram) was a day on which the tribe of Quraish used to fast in the pre-lslamic period of ignorance. The Prophet also used to fast on this day. So when he migrated to Medina, he fasted on it and ordered (the Muslims) to fast on it. When the fasting of Ramadan was enjoined, it became optional for the people to fast or not to fast on the day of Ashura.

Sahih Bukhari 5:58:172


Tawaf between Safa and Marwa

Doing Tawaf between Safa and Marwa is an Islamic ritual associated with the pilgrimage to Mecca. Safa and Marwa are two mounts, located at Mecca. This ritual entails Muslims walking frantically between the two mounts, seven times. This was originally a pagan pre-Islamic practice. Muhammad retained it for Islam, sanctioning it with yet another Quranic revelation.

Narrated 'Asim: I asked Anas bin Malik: "Did you use to dislike to perform Tawaf between Safa and Marwa?" He said, "Yes, as it was of the ceremonies of the days of the Pre-lslamic period of ignorance, till Allah revealed: 'Verily! (The two mountains) As-Safa and Al-Marwa are among the symbols of Allah. It is therefore no sin for him who performs the pilgrimage to the Ka'ba, or performs 'Umra, to perform Tawaf between them.' " (2.158)

Sahih Bukhari 2:26:710


Clearly, the Hadith testifies that Muhammad merely adopted this pagan ceremony from the pre-Islamic "period of ignorance" and justified it with yet another convenient Quranic revelation.

A myth was also created about Hagar running between these two mounts in search of water until she found the Zamzam Well. Even if this story were true, why is this reason for people to run up and down between two mounts to please a god? This myth was not created to further justify the ritual, but for another reason; Muhammad was trying to market Zamzam, owned by his family, as a money-making venture.


Requirement of Ihram

Ihram is a state a Muslim enters into for his pilgrimage to Mecca. It involves a series of procedures like ritual washing, wearing 'Ihram garments', etc. Ihram was originally a pagan requirement for worshipping idols during pre-Islamic times. Muhammad retained this practice for Islam. Muslims assume Ihram to perform the Hajj or Umrah.

Narrated 'Urwa: I asked 'Aisha : ...But in fact, this divine inspiration was revealed concerning the Ansar who used to assume “Ihram” for worshipping an idol called “Manat” which they used to worship at a place called Al-Mushallal before they embraced Islam, and whoever assumed Ihram (for the idol), would consider it not right to perform Tawaf between Safa and Marwa.

Sahih Bukhari 2:26:706

Circumambulation 7 Times

In the Islamic ritual of Tawaf, Muslims go around the Kaaba 7 times. In the Hindu marriage rite of Satphere, the married couple goes around a fire also 7 times. In both of these rituals, religious phrases are repeated during the circumambulation.

Circumambulation is to go in circles around a particular object. In Islam, worshippers and pilgrims do this around the Kaaba at Mecca. Pre-Islamic pagans used do it to please the moon god Hubal, the 360 deities and Allah (who was merely one among the many deities worshipped there). Muhammad himself used to do it, even before the 360 idols inside the Kaaba were removed.

Judaism and Christianity (the religions of those who are considered People of the Book) do not practice ritual circumambulation to please God. Two other faiths which do are Hinduism and Buddhism, religions older than Islam and accused by Islam of “paganism” and practicing idolatry.


Crescent Moon Symbol

Hubal was the moon god worshiped at the Kaaba. The crescent moon was Hubal’s symbol. Muhammad's pagan grandfather Abd al-Muttalib almost slaughtered Muhammad's father Abdallah at the Kaaba, to Hubal.

From Ibn Hisham:

An arrow showed that it was 'Abdullah to be sacrificed. 'Abdul-Muttalib then took the boy to Al-Ka'bah with a razor to slaughter the boy. Quraish, his uncles from Makhzum tribe and his brother Abu Talib, however, tried to dissuade him. They suggested that he summon a she-diviner. She ordered that the divination arrows should be drawn with respect to 'Abdullah as well as ten camels. … the number of the camels (finally) amounted to one hundred. … They were all slaughtered to the satisfaction of Hubal.

The Kaaba, Islam's holiest shrine, has been a place where such pagan human sacrifices and slaughters have taken place for HubalWhen Muhammad founded Islam, he discarded Hubal. At the Battle of Badr, his enemy Abu Sufyan praised the high position of moon god Hubal, saying "O Hubal, be high". Muhammad asked his followers to yell back, "Allah is higher".

Is moon-god Hubal no longer "higher"? Is Islam completely free of the 'moon' influence?  Take a closer look at mosques all over the world, and you are likely to find Hubal’s symbol, the crescent moon, positioned at a high point of the mosque.

As with the Cross for Christianity and the Star of David for Judaism, the Crescent moon is today a universal symbol for Islam.

It may not be a deliberate effort to worship Hubal. And yet, interestingly, through Islam, the pagan prayer of Muhammad's enemy Abu Sufyan at Badr has been answered, "O Hubal be high". Why do Muslims call others liars when they deny what their own books are saying? Their own books make them embarrassed and angry they are a mass of contradictions!

Wednesday, March 13, 2024



The truth about Ramadan

 What is fasting?

For thousands of years, biblical fasting has been the practice of abstaining from food for spiritual purposes. If you’re used to a routine of “three square meals a day,” going without food as a spiritual practice may sound strange. But fasting was a very common religious practice when the Torah and the Bible were written.


In the Torah and the Bible and throughout the centuries, God’s people have practiced the spiritual discipline of fasting during times of need and times of holy observances. Moses, Elijah, Queen Esther, and Jesus are among the many biblical men and women who fasted in order to draw closer to God and seek His will.


In Judaism, fasting is the biblical or rabbinic precept or custom of refraining from eating and drinking.  The Hebrew word for fasting is tsum, which means to abstain from food, while the Greek word for fasting is nesteuo, which means to abstain from food or drink.


"God says, "Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?"  Isaiah 58:6


In Christianity fasting is a spiritual discipline that is taught in the Bible. Jesus expected His followers to fast, and He said that God rewards fasting. Fasting, according to the Bible, means to voluntarily reduce or eliminate your intake of food for a specific time and purpose.


"When you give up eating, don't put on a sad face like the hypocrites. They make their faces look sad to show people they are giving up eating. I tell you the truth, those hypocrites already have their full reward. So when you give up eating, comb your hair and wash your face. Then people will not know that you are giving up eating, but your Father, whom you cannot see, will see you. Your Father sees what is done in secret, and he will reward you." Matthew 6:16-18



Often in the Torah and the Bible, God's people fasted immediately before a major victory, miracle, or answer to prayer. It prepared them for a blessing!


  • Moses fasted before he received the Ten Commandments.

"Moses was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights without eating bread or drinking water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant--the Ten Commandments." Exodus 34:28


  • The Israelites fasted before a miraculous victory.

"Some men came and told Jehoshaphat, "A vast army is coming against you from Edom, from the other side of the Sea. It is already in Hazazon Tamar" (that is, En Gedi). Alarmed, Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord, and he proclaimed a fast for all Judah." 2 Chronicles 20:2-3


  • Daniel fasted in order to receive guidance from God.

"So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes." Daniel 9:3


"While I was still in prayer, Gabriel, the man I had seen in the earlier vision, came to me in swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice. He instructed me and said to me, 'Daniel, I have now come to give you insight and understanding.'" Daniel 9:21-22


  • Nehemiah fasted before beginning a major building project.

"When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven." Nehemiah 1:4


  • Jesus fasted during His victory over temptation.

"For forty wilderness days and nights he was tested by the Devil. He ate nothing during those days, and when the time was up he was hungry." Luke 4:2


  • The first Christians fasted during-decision making times.

"While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, 'Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.' So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off." Acts 13:2-3


In both Judaism and Christianity, fasting is a spiritual expression of penance, not celebration or feasting.


However, in the case of Islam it’s seen as something very different. The supposedly holy month of Ramadan is a month of abstinence from food resulting in weight loss and you get a bit thinner or is it really that?  Let’s dive into it and see if Ramadan is actually a spiritual abstinence or a month of celebration and gluttony.


Now “according to muslims” it is said that Prophet Mohammed had once said, "When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of heaven are opened and the gates of hell are closed and the devils are chained."  So, if the gates of hell are closed is that the reason why muslims attack and kill non-muslims (please don’t tell me that that has never happened because I can provide a long list of all the attacks committed by muslims during Ramadan)

Then we see muslims greeting everyone in simple words, ‘Ramadan Mubarak’ means ‘Happy Ramadan’. You may have now also noticed that the infidels/non muslim politicians have started conveying this greeting online and in the news.  And we all thought Ramadan is about spiritual abstinence ....  sounds more like a joyous celebration than spiritual abstinence.  That’s not all, some people also say ‘Ramadan Kareem’, which roughly translated means ‘May Ramadan be generous to you'.  You may have seen billboard signs erected along many streets/road saying “Ramadan Kareem”.  Now if Ramadan is abstinence why is it being publicly announced.  I haven’t seen the Jews and Catholic publically announce their month of spiritual fast / abstinence.


So, when we talk about fasting in Islam, the month of Ramadan comes to our mind.   According to Islam, fasting is one of the pillars of Islam (“islam” literally means surrendering to the will of Allah and making peace, or silm); fasting is supposed to bring about spiritual fulfillment and baraka, i.e. goods are multiplied many fold. For the surrenderer, the muslim, it is a month of blessings.  According to the Hadith Sahih Muslim, Book 6 (KITAB AL-SAWM,  THE BOOK OF FASTING),    the word “sawm” which has been used in the Quran and the Hadith for fasting means "to abstain"; thus a horse that abstains from moving about or from eating the fodder is said to be sa'im. In the technical language sawm signifies fasting or abstaining from food and drink and sexual intercourse from the dim beginning of dawn till sunset.


Now, let’s get down to the real facts ..... as popularly know to many, Ramadan according to muslims is described as a month long fast. Yet the entire month is filled with feasting. Indeed, binge eating during Ramadan has caused health crisis in Muslim countries. At the end of Ramadan many are surprised to find their clothes a little snugger, and their health in a perilous state.  Though the month-long season is associated with deprivation, overeating is common practice once the sun goes down. In many hospitals in the Gulf states of the Middle East and other muslim countries, the month of fast means a sharp rise in inpatients in an uptick in cases of indigestion, gastroenteritis and peptic ulcer disease.   .


So why is gluttony and excess portrayed as strict discipline and self control in Islam? Is there a spiritual component to Ramadan? My good friend Dr. David Wood explored the issue and uncovered the disturbing truth about Islam’s holiest month.   You can watch his video on You Tube at

Sunday, March 3, 2024

How Much Time Does Islam Have Left On Earth - Let's do the math.


In more than 15 ahadiths found in Sahih of Imam Bukhari, Sunnan of Imam Abu Dawud, Jamii of Imam Tirmidhi and others, Mohammad said Islam has a specific lifespan on earth.  These Ahadith state that Allah gave Islam 1500 years then relatively soon after this he would establish the hour.  We are now in the year 1445 Hijra of the Islamic calendar, We are not too far away from the end of Islam.

Contrary to what some muslims are saying, Islam is declining now. I have met many educated Muslims and have ex-muslim friends from different countries: Afghans, Bangladeshis, Turks, Tunisians, Iranians who’ve given up and left Islam. Of course the uneducated ones are normally more religious. But someday they will follow too when they eventually learn the truth.

Yes … Many people are leaving the Islamic faith (mostly women), and in times of trouble or uncertainty, people are more likely to find solace in more accepting faiths like any of the forms of Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism and even paganism… Ones with more outreach, accepting terms and more ministry.

Any educated person or someone with at least half a brain will agree that practically Islamic thoughts are against humanity. They are against the natural system of diversity. They think that jihadies can bring everyone into Islamic fold. If they do not drop this idea from their minds. God will drop them into history.

Regardless of our personal preferences, it is inevitable that Islam will collapse internally, we are beginning to see those signs.

Islam is primarily a political entity rather than a spiritual one, which suggests that it is likely to disintegrate just as the Ottoman Empire did.

The movement that eventually came to be known as Islam, under the leadership of Abu Bakr in approximately 625 AD, was a political campaign aimed at global conquest. Of course, Muslims will swear that “Islam” is in the Quran but it’s not. The Quran doesn’t know what “Islam is peaceful” means and if anything, such statements would be considered as a new Quran in the making.

The Islamic military campaign can be compared to the Roman Empire (not the Roman Catholic Church) which ruled for nearly 2,300 years from 700 B.C. to 1400 AD.

If a conventional battle were to occur at this moment, it is quite likely that Muslim nations would lack the capability to effectively engage in combat, resulting in a resounding defeat, conquest, and the eradication of Islam.

Their defeat will surpass the losses suffered by all Muslim nations to Israel in 1967, within just seven days, during which Israel also managed to seize territories.

In the present day, Muslim nations are unable to engage in military conflict with Israel due to feelings of disgrace. Instead, they have chosen to establish thuggish, violent and lawless or banditry organizations such as Hamas, Hezbollah, Boko Haram, etc. in order to bear the burden of defeat on their behalf.

It is certain that Islam will gradually be eliminated in the Middle East. Iranians are gradually abandoning Islam (it’s in the news) and I think that while people are looking elsewhere, the Jews are being resettled in Gaza and elsewhere.

A general principle is that if you use a sword to kill someone, you are likely to be slain by that same blade. Islam will decline in a similar manner.

Due to their military's significant lack of strength, they resort to employing terrorist organizations to accomplish their goals.

The Ottoman Empire harbored ambitions of global conquest, however ultimately fell short after six centuries of fruitless endeavors. Islam and guerrilla warfare tactics remain closely intertwined, with groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah routinely employing these tactics, characterized by thuggery and banditry.

The Ottoman Empire governed for a span of 600 years and eventually faced defeat, marking the extent of territorial gains for Muslims.

Given the world's robust military readiness, Muslims would likely exercise caution and reconsider their actions.

The notion of Muslims achieving global domination is unfounded. Yes, they give a lot births, but such is impacted by heavy headwinds of people leaving.

The number of individuals renouncing Islam is so significant that they are not even making an effort to propagate the teachings of the God revered by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whom they claim to be familiar with, to a population of 1.3 billion Chinese. In fact, the Chinese authorities are detaining and reeducating those who have embraced Islam, instructing them on how to live as civilized individuals.

This failure of Muslims to proselytize extends to the 1.2 billion Hindus; 550 million Buddhists; 225 million former Muslims; 10 million Bahá'ís; the majority of atheists and apostate Muslims who are concealing their true beliefs within mosques; the 30% of Muslim youths of today who are openly abandoning Islam; and the 91 million Iranians who are renouncing their Islamic faith.

Muslims are experiencing a state of perplexity and just don’t know where to begin. The groups I just mentioned above are the ones with whom they should engage in conversation, rather than Christians. Christians are even harder because the know who Abraham was and therefore can’t be fooled.

Buddhists are prepared to engage in physical conflict with them so they stay away. Muslims are always looking for soft spots and heavily guarded.

There are rumors that the monarch Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) of Saudi Arabia may be an atheist who is concealing their beliefs, and there are indications of increasing limitations on Muslim prayers.  The consumption of alcohol is forbidden in Islam, but earlier this year Mohammed bin Salman authorized the promotion and sale of alcohol to expats in Riyadh. Fire is always present in the presence of smoke. 

The essence of the matter is that certain nations would get weary and discontented with Islam, leading to the outbreak of civil conflict. Europe, India, and Nigeria could see civil unrest as a result of conflicts involving Muslims.

Muslim thuggery group’s intention is to initiate an assault, eliminate a significant number of individuals, express gratitude towards the individual known as Allah, and subsequently seek refuge in a dark cave or tunnel. Boko Haram use thick forests in Nigeria to hide because they cannot afford to build tunnels.

For 1400 years, prior to the advent of the internet, Islam thrived through the dissemination of misinformation and propaganda.  Least to say, Islam was unprepared for the advent of the internet and is now making efforts to remain pertinent. Islam, the Quran, and Muhammad have all been unmasked.

The internet has provided all Muslims with the means to thoroughly scrutinize Muhammad, in order to guarantee that the Muslim Arabs (his kin) did not miss any crucial details 1400 years ago when proclaiming him as a prophet.

If the Arabs had fulfilled their responsibilities adequately, Muhammad would not have attained the status of a prophet. Muhammad is a total disgrace to humanity.

The term "Islam" is not inherently associated with the concept of submission to Muhammad's Allah, and the Quran does not acknowledge the intended meaning behind Muslims' statement that "Islam is peace." “Islam” does not exist in the Quran.

The term "Islam" refers to the act of surrendering to the authority of Muhammad and complying with his military requisitions.

In Islam, Allah is attributed with 99 names, as is Muhammad.  All other phrases commonly used by Muslims are devoid of value.

The Quran mandates that a Muslim may engage in deception. When a Muslim deliberately deceives someone or manipulates them, it is commonly known as a stratagem, and it is considered acceptable.

Undoubtedly, they will use other verses from the Quran that denounce the act of lying in order to deceive you while lying to you at the same time.

In Islam, one is regarded as highly intelligent if they successfully execute a substantial falsehood.

Deceiving you with the intention of persuading you to join the Islamic cult is a deliberate tactic or ploy, and Allah will provide them a reward for tricking you into becoming part of the largest cult ever established.

So going back to the first paragraph of my article, among the Ahadith of the hour is the disappearance of Islam from earth, in  many Ahadith a specific year of when this will occur has been given, just like their prophet Mohammad mentioned very literally what year the minor signs would begin in.  As mentioned at the beginning, these Ahadith are found in the Sahih of Imam Bukhari the Sunnan of Abu Dawud, the Jamii of Tirmidhi and other Hadith collections.

There are a number of Ahadith which talk about the length of the Muslim community's period on Earth, when you compare these Ahadith with the signs of the hour we are now seeing you will see the time we are living in and these events are on the same time frame. All Ullumah in the Muslim world agree that the minor signs of the hour have been fulfilled and we are living in the final phase of this world waiting for the Major Signs, as Ibn Kathir stated the first Major sign is the coming of Imam Mahdi.

Mohammad said “When my Community keeps on the right, it is going to enjoy an age of one day (1000 years), and when it does not keep on the right, it will have an age of (a further) half a day” (500 years). (Jami alBayan by al-Tabari, Tafsir of Surat al-Asr. This is possibly also in reference to the Ahadith in Bukhari about the age of this Umma that mention the Asr Prayer, quoted later in this work).

In another version Mohammad said, “If my Community keeps on the right, it is going to enjoy an age of one day (1000 years), and if it becomes corrupt, it will have an age of half a day” (After that, meaning rather than having two days the second day will be cut in half) (Shaykh al-Islam al-Munawi cites it in Fayd al-Qadir from Shaykh Muhyi al-Din Ibn ‘Arabi.)

Allah is supposed to have said in the Quran: “And one day according to Allah’s estimation is 1,000 years according to yours”. (Quran Surah Al-Hajj 22:47), therefore one and half days is 1500 years, we are currently in the year 1445 Hijra (which is 2024 in the Gregorian calendar).

Thus, according to this understanding of the hadith Allah has granted the Ummah a lifespan of fifteen hundred years, and Allah knows best. This prediction of a fifteen hundred year lifespan is also in keeping with the recent appearance of the Signs of the Last Days. These signs have not appeared in their totality until lately.  Even a cursory examination of these signs shows their present-day fulfilment as foretold by the Prophet Muhammad over fourteen hundred years ago.

Now get a load of this crap,  according to Islamic doctrines and the Hadiths, the Mahdi and the Dajjaal will both be on Earth prior to Isa (Jesus Christ). The Mahdi will rule the Muslims for 7, 8 or 9 years as different narrations state so this only changes matters by a few years, but if there is variation in years when the breeze will come as well as the length of the Mahdi’s time on earth and in other related matters a few years here or there does add up. The Dajjaal (Allah’s curse be upon him) will come towards the end of the Mahdi’s time on earth and because Isa will return while Imam Mahdi is still alive the Dajjaal's time doesn't matter and won't change anything.

Isa (Jesus) will slay the Dajjal and he will stay in the world for 40 years. Then, he will die and the Muslims will perform the funeral prayer for him.” (Abu Dawud and Musnad Ahmad)

These ahadith give us the length of years for events to occur, we know Islam has 1500 years on earth, if we take from the 1500 year lifespan the 40 years that Isa will be alive on earth, and the 7 years between his death and the time Allah takes the life of every Muslim with the cool breeze we have 1500 – 40 – 7 = 1453 Hijri or 2031 AD approximately, that is when we can expect Isa at the soonest.

I say approximately because later I will show how these numbers may change by as much as a decade from this number, and no figure can be exact as closer analysis of the subject would show there is room for interpretation in this time range.

These calculations are more like a weather forecast of what is coming over the horizon in an estimated period of time according to the Ahadith of Allah, sometimes the rain arrives as we expect it sometimes it is a little late.

Now let’s to our math .... If we calculate, 1500 – 40 (the life of Isa) - 7 (time left after Isa dies) – 9 (life of the Mahdi) = 1444 Hijra approximately.

Therefore, 1444H – 1437H (2015 AD) = 7 years is the soonest he is expected which would have been 2023 AD (last year), or 9 years from now in 2025 AD, if we use 7 years in the initial calculation instead of the 9.

Abu As-Sadeeq An-Naajee related that Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudree said, "We feared that there would be a Hadath (something new but objectionable) and so we asked the Prophet, " He said, "Indeed in my nation there is the Mahdi, and he will come out and live for 5 or 7 or 9. A man will go to him and say, 'O Mahdi, give me.' He will throw handfuls into the man's garment, filling it with whatever the man is able to carry." (Hasan, At-Tirmidhee, Ibn Katheer in his al Bidaya wa Nihaya).

The 7 or 9 years are the most common numbers for the Mahdi’s time on earth, but there is a chance it may be 5 years instead. If we use 5 years we have 1500 – 0 – 7 - 5 = 1448 Hijra therefor, 1448H – 1437H = 11 years from now.

Therefore in total we have 7, 9 and 11 years from now based on the numbers given to us by   Mohammad  or 2023, 2025 or 2027 AD, the later we see him the later we will see Isa.

What a load of crap the above math is........

But..... we all know and we can see that the end of Islam is fast approaching.



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