Saturday, September 14, 2024



On a stunning September morning 23 years ago, hell, heartache and horror came from the skies.

Recalling that fateful day of September 11, 2001 or 9/11 as we all know it ...  when the images of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre plummeted to the ground, badly damaged the Pentagon and left some 3,000 Americans dead,  we now know what we didn’t know that day: that the terrorist attack had been building for more than a decade.

The terrorists that day in New York, Washington and in a Pennsylvania field were Islamic religious fanatics juiced on hate and bloodlust as dictated in their so called holy book they call the “Quran”.

Let's call a spade a spade and tell it like it is rather than attempting to whitewash it by using the term "Islamophobia" which is a total cop-out used by cowards.  Those who commit acts of terrorism in the name of Islam are true believers of the evil and murderous ideology dictated in the Quran.  

Islamic terrorism has nothing to do with education and economic status.  Islamic terrorism is in the root of it's teaching in Islam.

Teaching of Islam is very clear teaching in the world and there is not an iota of confusion.

Teachings of Islam in Quran is in one line which is as follows:

"La- ilaha Illallah"

There is no God but Allah and who don't believe in Allah are kafirs and hence these kafirs are to be eradicated by converting or slaughtering”.

Rest of Quran is all about how to establish the above line .

It is a confusion in other religions who see Islam in their own spects and speculate it to be like them — “Religion of peace”.   There is no peace in Islam until or unless everybody is converted into Islam and for this all muslims have to do jihad.

Dar al Islam is where there is an Islamic Government and Shariah Law is into practise. Means Islam has been established and all Muslims have been converted to Islam. Muslims are in full majority and no non-Muslim Minority .

Dar al Harb is a war zone where Muslims are into war with the government/rulers for their safety and existence. All non Muslims who are not converted, the effort is to convert or do jihad to exterminate the Kafirs. Majority are Muslims and minority are non-Muslims and slowly they have to make minority non-Muslims to zero or to extinction.

Dar al Amn is a territory where there is not an Islamic Government or Shariah Law, but the life of Muslims are secured and they are freely allowed to practice their religion without any interference as long as it does not contradict with the law. Here Muslims are in Minority and majority is non-Muslims.   Here minority of the Muslims are given the task to increase population by child birth or conversion and when they become Majority they have to wage war against non-Muslims.

Perfect plan is laid down in Quran to convert each and every person to Islam. This type of clear cut plan is not found in any other religion .

Now the people who are killing kafirs in name of jihad are actually true followers of Islam .  

There is no confusion in Islam. Confusion is in other religions who don't know Islam.

Terrorism is a reason for life in Islam - it's right there in their religious texts - in black and white! Islam will conquer the world; Islam will subdue the infidels; Islam will slaughter all the Jews on the Day of Judgement.” Or words to similar effect.

Also, their sheikhs, mullahs, and imams preach it “religiously” in most of their mosques, Islamic Centres and Madrassas worldwide.

As a cult of war, Islam will continually seek enemies to fight. If ready-made ones did not exist, Islam would seek to create them.

So, fast-forwarding .....  Hundreds of terrorism attacks later, it appears as though Canada learned nothing from that day, comfortable in our anti-American smugness. We are the victims of our own peculiar faculty lounge aesthetic.

Right now, the signals are there that this country’s criminal complacency — particularly over the last nine years — will carry a heavy price in blood and tears when the cheque comes.

Let’s take a peek at the last six weeks.

  • Niagara Regional Police arrested Taha Sleiman, 21, in Niagara Falls. Cops alleged he was making improvised explosive devices, a terror treat if ever there was one. Sleiman was charged with making, possessing, care and control of an explosive device and unlawful possession of explosives.
  • Pakistan citizen and Canadian resident Muhammad Shahzeb Khan, 20, (what was he doing in this country?) was arrested in Quebec on his way to New York City. He had allegedly planned a massive attack on the Big Apple’s Jews. The timing was going to be … Oct. 7.
  • Accused father-son terror tag team Ahmed Fouad Mostafa Eldidi, 62, and Mostafa Eldidi, 26, were arrested at a Richmond Hill hotel in early August. RCMP alleged they planned to murder en masse at the behest of the Islamic State death cult.

On that day more than two decades ago in New York, my big question was how the 19 terrorists slipped into the country? We ask that daily in Canada now.

How did someone like Ahmed Fouad Mostafa Eldidi breeze into the country apparently without scrutiny? How did he get citizenship?

The FBI alleged that Muhammad Shahzeb Khan was shooting for the stars by planning to unleash “the largest attack on U.S. soil since 9/11.” He is charged in Canada and the U.S. with participating in or supporting a terrorist group.

Twenty-three years later, those days and mental images still linger.

The fear hasn’t gone away either. It’s only increased. No amount of finger-crossing and virtue signalling will change that.

I think many countries look upon Canada as being a welcoming country for terrorists, war criminals and so on. I don't think it is a deliberate policy on the part of Canada.

A lot of people are also saying that Canada has become a safe haven for terrorists.  I think they are absolutely right because you look at all the past and most recent event, it is the result of a series of shortcomings in the system that enables people to slip across the border through any port of entry, establish a case -- particularly those who wish to make a refugee claim -- and then more or less disappear forever, in some cases, or in some cases until the hearing, or until they are turned down, or until they are accepted. And while they are doing this, they are paid welfare, they're paid housing, they're looked after legally, medically.

Prime example is  27-year-old Ahmed Ressam, an Algerian like many of the Islamic militants left Algeria for France in 1992 and where he lived illegally until 1994, mostly on the island of Corsica.  In February 1994 Ahmed Ressam using a doctored French passport with his picture crudely glued in, the flew from France to Montreal. At the airport, he was stopped by immigration officials who suspected that his passport was false. Ressam requested political asylum, claiming in a sworn statement that he had been tortured in Algeria and that he was falsely accused of arms trading and other terrorist activities. Apparently without checking with Algeria, France, or Interpol, Canadian immigration agents accepted his story and released him pending a hearing on his refugee status. Canada's Immigration Minister at the time, Eleanor Caplan, later said it was not a serious offense to present a false passport to gain entry to Canada, noting that many legitimate refugees resort to doing so.

So basically, if you are caught with a false document, you can simply say, "I claim refugee status because I was persecuted," or "I am in danger of persecution and the only way I can get out of my country is with a false passport." The passport, of course, might not even be of the country of origin or somewhere else, as was the case here. So there is really ... no constraint against a person using false documents. And of the 30,000 refugee claimants arriving in Canada every year, 60 percent of them arriving have either no documents or claim to have no documents or have false documents, and they all stay and they all proceed with their claim. So that it is not a barrier.

Looking at all the incidents that have occurred within Canada through the years with illegal immigrants entering with fake documents or with absolutely no documents at all, I strongly believe there is no doubt that these illegal immigrants are playing Canada for a sucker. They enter under false pretenses, they lie, they broke the law, they use Canada as a base of operations against a neighboring country with whom we have no quarrel. And in the case of that Pakistani immigrant Muhammad Shahzeb Khan - if he had been captured ... he would have killed untold numbers of innocent civilians in the United States, and Canada would have had blood on its hands. ...

 ...We didn't catch him -- the Americans did. I think it's time that all the agencies, and certainly the government, took this seriously before something truly tragic happens.


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  On a stunning September morning 23 years ago, hell, heartache and horror came from the skies. Recalling that fateful day of September 11...